Categories: health talk

Drinking water can also be dangerous

The Dhaka Times Desk Water is an essential element in our survival. Drinking water not only quenches our thirst, but also maintains the water level or balance in the body. Just as many problems arise in the body by drinking Panicom, drinking water at times can be dangerous. Let's know what problems can be caused in the body by drinking water at the wrong time-

পানি পানেও হতে পারে মারাত্মক বিপদ 1পানি পানেও হতে পারে মারাত্মক বিপদ 1

1. Drinking enough water is essential to keep the body healthy. But drinking too much water increases the risk of various diseases due to loss of salt balance in the body. So it is better not to drink water if you are not thirsty.

2. Drinking water after a heavy meal, such as breakfast, lunch or dinner, is not at all a healthy habit. Even if you drink water before eating, you should not drink water once after eating. And avoid the habit of drinking water frequently while eating.

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3. A small amount of water can be consumed after light exercise. But drinking water after a heavy workout is a no-no. In fact, a lot of minerals come out with sweat during exercise. Drinking bottled water can be continued after exercise to compensate for this deficiency. But not water at all.

4. After prolonged exercise, the body temperature rises much more than normal. Drinking cold water at this time cannot keep the temperature of the body in harmony with the temperature of the outside environment. As a result, digestive problems may occur.

This post was last modified on June 8, 2023 4:44 pm

Shahriar Siam

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