The Dhaka Times Desk Now there are many mysteries about an ancient mummy! Even before the pharaohs, the practice of mummification was practiced in ancient Egypt. Everyone is naturally excited by this sensational news.
Whether it is the cursed mummy of Tutankhamen or the mummy of other pharaohs, there is no end to the curiosity of ordinary people as well as researchers. New discoveries have been going on for a long time.
Recently, a new discovery about a very old mummy has come to the fore. It is known that mummification was practiced in ancient Egypt even before the pharaohs. Everyone was naturally excited and curious about this sensational news.
According to the report published on the international science website '', the mummy was found at the very beginning of the last century. Since 1901, this mummy has been preserved in the Turin Museum of Italy. Until now, everyone had the idea that the mummy was not preserved artificially, dating from approximately 3700 to 3500 BC.
After some calamity, the body was naturally preserved in the desert. However, researchers have now come to know that the body of the 20 to 30-year-old man was preserved artificially. Therefore, researchers have to think anew about the history of mummies in this discovery. Why, the claim of the researchers means that the people of Egypt mastered this science a thousand years before the known time.
The paper was published in the 'Journal of Archaeological Science' on 15 August. Jana Jones, a resident of Sydney, Australia, one of the researchers of the research team, said that after examining the mummy's right wrist, torso, it was understood that it was actually preserved. The bag with the body of the mummy was also examined. It has been seen that the body is wrapped in cloth coated with organic oil, animal fat and many other substances. Its purpose is of course conservation.
That mummy is so ancient that written language was not invented then. Perhaps word of mouth is the process of preservation from generation to generation. According to the researchers, the people of that time had an unshakeable belief about life after death. They wanted to preserve the body. They also discovered the method of preservation at that time.
According to a published news, the body of a young man has suddenly opened the door of the ancient world in front of the eyes of scientists. They were surprised to note that even in the distant past, people had invented amazing methods of preserving the body by using the natural elements around them.
This post was last modified on August 24, 2018 12:38 am
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