The Dhaka Times Desk Musician Taufiq Imam's favorite artist since his childhood was Monir Khan. After coming to music, his dream was to sing with his favorite singer. His dream was finally fulfilled by promising young lyricist AR Raj. A song from Taufiq's new album 'Ek Moneri Malik' has been sung by popular vocalist Monir Khan.
The title of the song is 'Ek Moneri Malik'. Written by AR Raj, this song is composed by popular music director Milton Khandkar. Monir Khan will be seen in the video of the song. In this album, the young singer Taufiq Imam has sung the song 'Ore Bandhu Sonare' written and composed by AR Raj. The music video of the album will be released soon on Monir Khan's YouTube channel MK Entertainment.
Monir Khan said about this, Taufiq Imam has been associated with music for 8/9 years. There are many types of fans, but he is a different kind of fan. It has been following me for years. I really liked his commitment. This is the first time I sang on the request of a fan.
In this regard, Taufiq Imam said, My idol musician is Monir Khan. I knew that he would agree if he knew about my dream. I am extremely grateful to him. Hope the audience will like the song.
AR Raj said in this regard, Monir Khan is one of my favorite artists. When the song written by me resonates with the voice of a famous artist like Manir Khan. It goes without saying that my liking really increased then. I hope the audience will enjoy listening to this song written by me and sung by Monir Khan.
This post was last modified on সেপ্টেম্বর ২৪, ২০১৮ 12:05 pm
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