The Dhaka Times Desk Grameenphone will use the 013 series with their old number series 017 from now on. The new series was officially launched yesterday (Sunday).
Grameenphone has inaugurated this new number scheme at a hotel in the capital on October 14. The new number series was inaugurated by Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC) Director General (E&O) Brigadier General Md. Mustafa Kamal
Grameenphone Deputy CEO and CMO Yasir Azman, Chief Corporate Affairs Officer Mahmud Hossain were present this time.
Yasir Azman first made a call to the Minister of Posts, Telecommunications and Information Technology Mustafa Jabbar with a number from the 013 series.
Mostafa Jabbar said while speaking on mobile phone in this new series, 'I thank you for the courage with which you have spread the network across the country. I am confident that it will not be difficult for you to maintain the quality of service for this large number of customers.'
Director General of BTRC congratulated Grameenphone for launching 013 number series in the shortest time.
It was informed in the event that Grameenphone's old series 017 number has created a huge demand. Due to increasing demand, the number of 017 series is about to expire. In the absence of new numbers in the 017 series, the company is reusing their old numbers to meet the needs of customers who want to enjoy Grameenphone's advanced network and services. In view of this, BTRC has allocated 2 crore numbers of 013 series to Grameenphone at the request of the company.
In the event, it was informed that the new SIM card of 013 number will be available at the same price in all SIM sales centers of the country.
This post was last modified on অক্টোবর ১৫, ২০১৮ 11:13 am
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