Categories: Picturesque

Stealing 35 motorcycles to win his wife's heart!

The Dhaka Times Desk Many people go crazy for their wives. He does a lot to keep his word. So, while keeping his wife's word, a man in India finally stole 25 motorcycles!

Many people go crazy for their wives. He does a lot to keep his word. So, while keeping his wife's word, a man in India finally stole 25 motorcycles!

An Indian man named Sushant Mund married his girlfriend by promising to buy a car after marriage. Even if he wanted to, due to the bad economic situation, it was no longer possible for him to implement that promise! Many years have already passed.

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However, no matter how much time passes, he has always cherished the desire in his heart. What he finally did to gift his wife a car was 'crazy'.

This 21-year-old young man fell into the street of theft while collecting money to buy a car. 35 motorcycles were stolen one by one from different areas. Even then, his wish was not fulfilled! A special team of the Maharashtra Police investigated and eventually arrested him.

Indian media outlet The Wall has recently published news about this novel thief's motorcycle theft in Mumbai, India.

According to reports, Sushant along with his accomplice Ganesh and a young man started stealing bikes from various places in Maharashtra to buy a car for his wife. After every theft, bike theft complaints are added to the police register.

After that, a special team of Maharashtra Police started the investigation. Sushant was caught in the investigation. First, 15 motorcycles were recovered from his associate Ganesh. Then another 20 motorcycles were recovered from another youth. This is how 35 novel motorcycle theft stories come up!

This post was last modified on ফেব্রুয়ারি ২৭, ২০১৯ 5:35 pm

Staff reporter

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