The Dhaka Times Desk. We all know gas is a fossil fuel that will run out one day. At the current rate of increase in gas consumption, our gas resources will be exhausted very soon. And various researches are constantly going on in search of new fuel to solve the problem.
Now an amazing solution to this fuel problem has been discovered by Narsingdi Bengal Institute Director Engineer Habibur Rahman. He used water as fuel. This invention of his was visible to all at the Dhaka Divisional Digital Innovation Fair 2018. He showed how water can be converted into gas and used in cooking. According to him, it is possible to cook one meal in just one liter of water.
When asked about the mechanism of this new discovery, he said, "Since water is composed of two molecules, oxygen and hydrogen, it can be used as a gas only if these molecules can be separated." As a result of long 8 months of tireless research, he was able to discover this sophisticated method. He said, “When water is electrolyzed, i.e. when electricity is supplied to water, oxygen and hydrogen are separated. And since oxygen and hydrogen are gases, it can be used as fuel.
He made an instrument using some tools. This device converts water into gas and supplies gas to the stove. As a result, it is possible to produce 50 CFT of gas using just one liter of water, which can be used to cook a meal effortlessly.
And since some electricity is used to perform this task, some electricity will be consumed. But you can use solar power if you want. Then you will not spend any money on cooking. If his discovery is properly evaluated, not only Bangladesh but the whole world will be able to reduce their fuel consumption. Also, it may be possible to use this gas as any kind of fuel not only in cooking.
This post was last modified on মার্চ ১৮, ২০১৯ 4:52 pm
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