Categories: entertainment

Heroine Pooja in Siddheshwari and Dighi in Stamford

The Dhaka Times Desk Today's hit actress Pooja Cheri, who became a heroine at a very young age, has cleared this year's SSC examination. On the other hand, the one-time child artist Dighi also passed this time. Pooja got admission in Siddheshwari and Dighi in Stamford.

নায়িকা পূজা সিদ্ধেশ্বরীতে এবং দীঘি স্ট্যামফোর্ডে 1নায়িকা পূজা সিদ্ধেশ্বরীতে এবং দীঘি স্ট্যামফোর্ডে 1

Actress Pooja Cheri passed this year's Secondary Examination (SSC) with 3.33. On the other hand, Dighi, once known as a small actress, got 3.61. Pooja passed the exam from Moghbazar Girls High School in the capital Dhaka. On the other hand, Dighi passed the exam from Stamford School in the capital.

Both of them are going to college. The college admission of both of them has been finalized from the list of preferences. Pooja got Siddheshwari College, on the other hand Dighi got admission in Stamford College.

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Pooja Cheri in this world as a model. Pooja Cherry came to the film later. Pooja acted as heroine in 'Noor Jahan', 'Poraman 2', 'Dahan'. His films were massive hits. That's why he came to the movies at a very young age and is widely praised. On the other hand Dighi's film debut is as a child artiste. He gained wide popularity by acting in more than half a hundred films including 'Kabuliwala', 'Dadima', 'Chachchu', '1 Takar Wife'.

This post was last modified on জুন ১১, ২০১৯ 1:06 pm

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