Categories: Picturesque

Now swallow a whole crocodile play python snake! [video]

The Dhaka Times Desk Large pythons are often seen eating whole goats. But no one could have imagined that such a terrible animal would swallow a crocodile.

Terrible snakes and pythons do various things like shaking their heads. A 13-foot-long python swallowed whole crocodiles in Mount Isha, Queensland, Australia! The rare image was captured on camera and released on social media by the volunteer organization GG Wildlife Rescue.

It was found that a python snake of light olive color. It is frozen on the ground; There is no way to understand how terrible he is! It was understood only when Asta started swallowing a crocodile slowly. Half of the crocodile entered the mouth! The other half is still scrambling outside hoping to survive. However, once he falls under the hands of the python, is he ever free? Similarly, this crocodile did not get water. He slowly entered the stomach of the olive python! If such a picture is released in the net world, it is natural that it will go viral.

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Captioning the photo, its photographer wrote, such images are as rare as they are terrifying. See how the olive colored python slowly swallowed the gigantic crocodile. This type of snake is the second largest in Australia and the largest in the western part of the country. The film was released online on June 1. Since uploading, the picture has received more than 20 thousand re-actions. Has been shared more than 42 thousand times!

Note that the main food of the python is mammals. However, they occasionally eat various reptiles, including crocodiles. The python's regular diet is large rodents and small animals such as deer or goats. But as they grow in size, they target larger animals. The main reason is that eating mice does not satisfy the caloric needs of large pythons. Then they don't spare the wild boar or sometimes the whole cow. However, pythons often make mistakes. About that year 2005. In Florida, a Burmese python, considered to be the largest of the python species, was caught and eaten by an alligator, ultimately killing both animals.

Watch the amazing video

This post was last modified on জুলাই ১৭, ২০১৯ 4:55 pm

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