Google Home in Bangladesh

The Dhaka Times Desk All the wonderful discoveries of science which are used in human service are being used day by day to provide services to all the developed countries of the world and Bangladesh is not behind.

বাংলাদেশে গুগল হোম 1বাংলাদেশে গুগল হোম 1

All the products and services discovered by science are also available in our country which we use to modernize our living system. We are able to receive all discovery services while in Bangladesh. Starting from smart phones, almost all the devices or products invented are available from anywhere in Bangladesh. Now we don't have to order any product using laptop, computer. A smart phone is enough for this. A wonderful smart device from the world's best search engine Google is the wireless intelligent speaker Google Home.

This wonderful invention will make Google Home work by following the sound of our mouths. You only need to use your words to command Google Home. If you want to listen to music, just tell Google Home and Google Home will do the rest. The work that used to be done with our hands can now be done very comfortably by voice. If you want to watch a YouTube video, Google Home will play music on Play Music according to your command.

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Google Home is not only used for entertainment purposes, we can easily use Google Home for all kinds of information apart from entertainment purposes. For example, we can easily get any kind of news going on in the world through Google Home. We will get any kind of news from different regions of different countries through Google Home. In addition to this, all kinds of information or news about sports, weather, finance, stock market, etc. will come to us very easily through Google Home without any manual labor and hand touch.

We forget to do certain things in our daily life due to which we face many kinds of troubles and problems. In this case, Google Home plays an excellent and innovative role. Google Home works like an alarm for our daily tasks according to its time. Besides, we can easily know what we want to buy by Google Home. With Google Home, it is possible to know the information about the vehicles on our route and the amount of traffic jams in which area, as well as all kinds of information about the aircraft. With Google Home, it is possible to control various devices in the house. For example, it is possible to easily determine which movie or channel or video you want to watch on our smart TV by Google Home.

One of the interesting features of using this wonderful device from Google is that it has no language restrictions. Google Home provides the opportunity to know and listen to different words in different languages, so that people speaking any language can easily use Google Home without any restrictions. If we want to listen to a word in different languages, we can listen to it in the specified language just by instructing Google Home. Various information, prices and complete features of all modern devices that have been recently discovered in the market can be known through this Google Home. Various jokes, songs, rhymes, etc. are not paired with Google Home for all types of entertainment. Besides, Google Home will give us a clear idea and information about the market situation, share market news, updates.

This post was last modified on সেপ্টেম্বর ৪, ২০১৯ 11:41 am

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