Categories: Picturesque

A whole bridge flew in three and a half seconds! [video]

The Dhaka Times Desk Sometimes some events are remembered for the whole life of people. As a memorable incident arose in China. And that is a bridge in China. A Chinese bridge flies in just three and a half seconds! You probably wouldn't believe it if you didn't see the video. After watching the video, you can understand how a whole breeze flew in just three seconds!

আস্ত একটি ব্রীজ সাড়ে তিন সেকেন্ডে উড়ে গেলো! [ভিডিও] 1আস্ত একটি ব্রীজ সাড়ে তিন সেকেন্ডে উড়ে গেলো! [ভিডিও] 1

Sometimes some events are remembered for the whole life of people. As a memorable incident arose in China. And that is a bridge in China. A Chinese bridge flies in just three and a half seconds! You probably wouldn't believe it if you didn't see the video. After watching the video, you can understand how a whole breeze flew in just three seconds!

A whole bridge flew away in the blink of an eye. China saw a huge bridge collapse in less than four seconds.

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According to media reports, this nearly 40-year-old bridge has been destroyed recently. And the reason for this is that a plan has been taken to build a new bridge at that place.

According to media reports, 700 kilograms of explosives were used to blow up the bridge in northeast China. Recently, the Nanhu Bridge was blown up one morning. The video of the destruction has now gone viral on the internet. This footage was shown on various local channels in China. Nanhu Bridge was built in 1978. Another new bridge is being built at that place for safety reasons.

According to media reports, the bridge is 150 meters long and 25 meters wide. The bridge was blown up in just 3 and a half seconds. Nanhu Breeze turns to dust in a moment. The site is now said to take 3 to 5 days to clear.

According to media reports, the new bridge will be much wider at that place. There will be quite a bit of space on either side. There will also be pedestrian walkways. The new bridge is expected to open this year.

Watch the video

This post was last modified on অক্টোবর ৭, ২০১৯ 9:06 am

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