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Nipah disease caused by Nipah virus

Patients suffering from this disease may become unconscious in many cases

The Dhaka Times Desk Nipah disease is usually a viral disease spread by a virus like Nipah. Nipah disease is the manifestation of all the symptoms caused by Nipah virus infection.

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Symptoms of Nipah virus attack include fever, delirium, convulsions, shortness of breath, headache, etc. Patients suffering from this disease may become unconscious in many cases. It is a very serious disease that can lead to death and the number of deaths due to this disease is increasing day by day. This viral disease usually spreads from animals to humans. Nipah virus is an emerging genetic virus commonly found in animals. It is so intense that it can make us sick by causing inflammation in our brain and respiratory system and can make the patient suffer a lot. A person infected with Nipah virus can have various diseases, among which the disease called encephalitis is a very serious inflammatory disease. Encephalitis caused by Nipah virus usually affects the brain.

Nipah virus first detected in Malaysia The virus was first detected in farmers working on pig farms in Malaysia and Singapore. It was originally discovered in 1998. It is usually transmitted by contact with the body of animals, their saliva, droppings, and meat. Later it spread from person to person. Nipah virus spread in Bangladesh primarily through bats. The first case of Nipah virus was found in Bangladesh in 2001. In our country, most of the reports of this disease are usually found between December and mid-April. At that time, the bat trees were blocked to collect date sap. As a result, bats try to eat the juice of the tree, and the remaining urine of the bat mixes with the juice. In addition, other waste materials of the bat saliva are mixed in the juice. If the bats or those materials are infected with Nipah virus, the risk of contracting the virus increases if the person consumes the juice.

There is no way to get rid of such a serious and complex disease without our awareness. Because there is currently no medicine or vaccine for this disease. In that case we must live our lives consciously so that none of us get infected with a serious disease like Nipah virus. In that case, if we take date juice, it must be boiled and consumed. Besides consuming juice, many of us eat Taadi, so care should be taken to ensure that it is pure while taking Taadi. Many times it is seen that bats leave half-eaten fruits in the trees, they can easily spread nipah to us from the half-eaten fruits, in which case we must avoid eating half-eaten fruits or spoiled fruits.

We have to wash and eat any kind of fruit because bats can urinate on any fruit, so we must wash the fruit well with enough water and eat it. Nipah virus can be destroyed by soap, we must always use soap for washing to get rid of this virus. Nipah is a contagious disease that can be spread from person to person so it is wise to avoid contact with an infected person. If there is an outbreak of this disease in any area, then the hospital or doctor should be consulted quickly and everyone should be treated consciously.

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