Categories: entertainment

Tangail MP Sohel Hazari acted in the play!

The Dhaka Times Desk This time Tangail 4 Constituency MP Hasan Imam Khan Sohel Hazari wrote his name in the actor's book. Acted for the first time in a play called 'Naivedya'. Previously, he has received a lot of appreciation for acting in a short film called 'Atma Sanzyam' on the Eid of Ramadan.

টাঙ্গাইলের এমপি সোহেল হাজারী অভিনয় করলেন নাটকে! 1টাঙ্গাইলের এমপি সোহেল হাজারী অভিনয় করলেন নাটকে! 1

This time Tangail 4 Constituency MP Hasan Imam Khan Sohel Hazari wrote his name in the actor's book. Acted for the first time in a play called 'Naivedya'. Previously, he has received a lot of appreciation for acting in a short film called 'Atma Sanzyam' on the Eid of Ramadan.

Written by Shyamal Chandra, this drama is scripted by Mannan Heera. The drama is jointly produced by Shabdik Shaheen and Sihanur Rahman Asif.

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Recently, the shooting of this drama called 'Naivedya' has also been completed according to the producer Shabdik Shaheen. Nusrat Imroz Tisha played the role of a heroine in this drama 'Naivedya'. MP Sohel Hazari will be seen rescuing this warrior from the hands of the Pak Army during the liberation war. Produced by Biswajit Das, Raonak Haasan also acted in this drama.

Producer Sihanur Rahman Asif told the media, 'Sohail Bhai acted in the role of a freedom fighter commander. It's basically a guest character, but a pretty important one. The name of his character is Freedom Fighter Azad. He has acted very well. He presented himself exactly as we wanted.'

The producer also said, 'We have been planning the play for about a year and a half. Then I shot a few days ago. We have shot for four days in different locations of Gazipur.'

When asked how Sohail Hazari got involved with the play, the director said, 'Sohail bhai is known to us from before. I also made a short film called 'Atma Sansyam' on him last Eid. It was highly appreciated by the audience. I told him the story while planning this play. He also likes the story and so he agrees to act in it.'

Producer Sihanur Rahman Asif said that the drama 'Naivedya' will be aired on a private TV channel next month. Also, the play will be shown in various educational institutions.

This post was last modified on নভেম্বর ১৩, ২০১৯ 2:05 pm

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