The Dhaka Times Desk Whatever black rice looks like. But it has gone far in terms of quality. A study found that black rice prevents diabetes-cancer. So why the delay? You can also eat black rice.
'Chak chok does not make gold'. This adage proved to be true again. Researchers have discovered a black rice that can prevent diabetes and even cancer!
Whatever black rice looks like. But it has gone far in terms of quality. A study found that black rice prevents diabetes-cancer. So why the delay? You can also eat black rice.
Due to increase in weight, various diseases start to take root in the body. So if you are overweight, you must reduce that weight. A very common belief is that eating rice leads to weight gain. You may be surprised to know that it is possible to keep weight under control by eating rice. So what is that rice? Yes black rice. Researchers say that eating black rice will not increase weight. Not only that, this black rice prevents diabetes and even cancer!
Not only this, researchers said that this crispy black rice rice works as a magic food for diabetes and cancer patients. Since eating this rice does not lead to weight gain, this black rice rice also controls diabetes. The rice produced by boiling this black rice is rich in nutrients and best in preventing diseases.
It is known that the scientists of Fulia Agricultural Training Center in Nadia district of India have produced black rice by growing paddy under government initiative. Also, cultivation of this black rice has started in different parts of the state.
Researchers say that this black rice is capable of preventing cancer. Moreover, diabetic patients and pregnant women will get many benefits by eating this rice. Not only rice, pies, khichuri, biryani can also be cooked with this black rice. No matter what it looks like, this black rice is rich in many qualities, so researchers have advised everyone to eat it.
This post was last modified on January 6, 2020 4:07 pm
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