The Dhaka Times Desk The corona virus spread from the Wuhan region of China has taken a deadly form. The death toll from the virus in China has risen to 132. More than 4 thousand citizens have been affected. This time Dr. Amitabh Nandy told how to avoid corona virus.
So far no vaccine has been developed for this virus. That is why the disease affected by this virus is said to be more deadly than AIDS.
Still, some of the ways to save from the corona virus have been told by the country's prominent virologist Dr. NDTV. Amitabh Nandy
Dr. Amitabh Nandi said that it is not the case that people are dying only if they are infected with the corona virus. It is possible to recover from this disease by taking precautionary measures.
Virologist Dr. Amitabh Nandy said, 'The virus is like common influenza. So initially there is no way to distinguish whether someone is infected or not. Many people lost their lives in the world due to Sars and Mars virus many years ago. Corona virus, those two viruses are national or tribal.
Dr. Amitabh Nandy said, 'This virus has undergone genetic changes through mutation. This virus first settled in the animal body. Then it started entering the human body with its genetic modification. It is spreading rapidly from person to person.'
Virologist Amitabh Nandy said that even if an effective vaccine has not been discovered so far, we can get rid of this corona virus if we take some precautionary measures. What is the precautionary measure?
# is a very common cold but a mask should be used.
# Touching the nose and mouth will not work at all.
# Use a tissue or handkerchief if you sneeze or cough.
# If there is nothing, cover your mouth and sneeze and wash your hands immediately.
# must maintain cleanliness.
# sneeze, cold, cough such things cannot be kept alive.
# If you have symptoms like this, go to the doctor and tell them what happened, that is, if you have been in contact with anyone within a few days.
Amitabh Nandy said, 'The first characteristic of this type of virus is that the disease is self-healing. Those with a weak immune system are more susceptible to the virus. So if it is seen in that way then it can be assumed that there is not much reason for the common man to worry.'
# It is important to isolate someone with a cold or cough.
# patient should be kept in isolation if symptoms of corona virus appear in his body.
# patients must keep everything separate, so as not to spread the disease from someone else's.
Dr. Amitabh Nandy said, 'This type of virus requires a complete isolation ward and a special bed for the patient who is suffering from the disease. Arrangements should also be made so that the air in his room does not go out or is purified even if it goes out.'
This post was last modified on জানুয়ারি ২৯, ২০২০ 10:16 am
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