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করোনা ভাইরাসে ভয়াবহ পরিস্থিতিতে চীন: মৃতের সংখ্যা ৪২৬

The Dhaka Times Desk The death toll from the coronavirus is steadily increasing in China. So far 426 deaths have been reported. Today (Tuesday), the country's Hubei province authorities said, 64 more people have died there.

According to data from the Health Commission of Hubei Province, 2,345 people have been infected with the virus. Due to which a total of 19 thousand 550 people have been affected by this virus so far. The coronavirus has already spread to more than 20 countries.

Outside of China, one person has died from the virus in the Philippines. Chinese authorities said they urgently need masks, protective suits and other medical supplies. China has requested the world's cooperation in this regard.

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On December 31, the presence of the first corona virus was detected in Wuhan, central China's Hubei province. A number of countries around the world have already started repatriating their citizens from China due to the fear of the epidemic. Bangladesh has already repatriated 316 Bangladeshis. As many as 171 others have applied to come. They will be repatriated by chartered aircraft. The United States, Australia and Japan have imposed restrictions on travel to China to prevent human-to-human transmission of the virus.

Many countries, including the Philippines, have suspended visas on arrival from China to prevent the spread of the virus. Airlines in many countries have suspended almost all flights to China. Due to the corona virus, China has become isolated from the world.

Symptoms of corona virus infection

If infected with this virus, fever and dry cough may occur in the beginning. Shortness of breath may also occur after a week. Sometimes pneumonia can also occur. In some cases, the patient's condition worsened and required hospitalization. However, these symptoms were mainly seen after the patients were admitted to the hospital.

In that case, it is still unknown what are the very first symptoms of being infected with the coronavirus or whether it can be understood at all. But this new corona virus is quite dangerous. From simple cold-fever symptoms, it can lead to death. The World Health Organization has named this virus the 2019 Novel Corona Virus.

Canada, France, Germany, Japan, Italy, Britain and the United States of the Group of Seven (G-7), an organization of industrialized countries in the world, have found patients infected with the corona virus.

China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Monday complained that the United States is spreading panic by taking back citizens by issuing warnings without proper assistance to fight the coronavirus. Mongolia, Russia and Nepal have already closed their borders with China. Semi-autonomous Hong Kong has already closed all but two land borders with China.

This post was last modified on ফেব্রুয়ারি ৪, ২০২০ 9:36 am

Staff reporter

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