Categories: entertainment

Shakib's new movie on Eid with Mahi and Prasthia

The Dhaka Times Desk Shakib Khan, who is known as the King Khan of Dhakai films, received wide appreciation by acting in a film called 'Nawab' in 2017. Now his another movie called 'Nawab LLB' is coming. It is being built on the occasion of Eid-ul-Fitr.

The film's director Ananya Mamun gave such information about Shakib Khan. Recently he announced this new film. Actresses Mahia Mahi and Archita Prasthiya will be seen opposite Shakib in the movie.

Both Mahiya Mahi and Archita Prasthia have also confirmed this. In this regard, Mahi said, 'The formal agreement has not yet been made. However, the director talked to me about the film. I like hearing the story of the film.'

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On the other hand, Prasthia also said, 'The initial talks with me about the film have been finalised. But not officially signed yet. I am going to do my first movie with Shakib Khan. I expect a large frame to be a beautiful piece of work.'

Shakib Khan said, 'Ananya Mamun made movies in tune with the times. I like it very much. He told me the story of the film. i like I have had successful films with Mahi before. Hoping for something better again. I hope the work experience with Prashiya will be good.'

Ananya Mamun said, "Nawab LLB" shooting will start in Dhaka from March 28. The director himself wrote the screenplay and story of the movie.

Meanwhile, it has been announced that a movie called 'Bidrohi' starring Shakib under the banner of Shapla Media will be released on Eid-ul-Fitr.

Mahiya Mahi's 'Mon Debo Mon Nebo' is also slated for release on the same Eid. Moreover, he is busy with several movies including 'Swapnabaji'. On the other hand, the film 'Kathbirali' starring Prasphya has also received praise after its recent release.

This post was last modified on মার্চ ১৯, ২০২০ 1:07 pm

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