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The story of a nocturnal hunter owl!

The Dhaka Times Desk the owl We all know this bird more or less. A nocturnal predator, this bird is considered inauspicious by some. Today there is the story of this nocturnal predator owl!

The owl's peculiar call and nocturnal nature have associated it with many superstitions and paranormal thoughts. For example, the Kikuyu tribe of Kenya believe that owls herald the coming of death. If one sees an owl or hears its voice, he will fall to his death. Therefore, in the traditional belief system, owls are also regarded as symbols of bad luck, physical illness or death. This belief has been prevalent since ancient times.

However, scientists are reluctant to accept the owl as either auspicious or inauspicious. Scientists believe that the owl is a normal member of the fauna like everyone else.

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There are also several species of this bird in the class Strigiformes. But so far about 200 species have survived. The owls that have been seen so far are divided into two families - common owls or Strigidae and Lakshmi owls or Titonidae.

Different species of owls have different calls. Different names of different patches have also been given in Bengal according to the variation of postage. Such as: Bubo bengalensis, Ketupa zeylonensis, Tyto alba, Athene brama, Ninox scutulata and Otus lepiji etc.

Most owls prey on small mammals such as rodents and insects, but some species also catch fish. Owls are used to catch prey by swooping down. They use curved beaks or beaks and claws to hunt and hold prey.

Owls are found all over the world except Kumeru, Greenland and some isolated islands. 17 species (15 species in 8 genera) are found in Bangladesh. Out of which 25 are permanent and 2 are migrant. Owls are basically solitary animals. They live in tree trunks, hills or rock holes or old buildings.

The owl has a large head, flat face and eyes on the front of the head. The owl's eyes are usually surrounded by circular feathers called facial discs. As their eyeballs are forward, they have binocular vision.

Owls have farsightedness that means they cannot clearly see objects within a few inches of their eyes. They can sense their prey with special feathers on their eyes and claws. The owl can rotate its head to an angle of 135 degrees. Therefore, their range of vision is 270 degrees in both directions. That's why they look back over their shoulder.

Owls have very keen hearing. Driven by sound alone, they can catch prey even in complete darkness. Owls can hear low-pitched sounds such as mice munching on grain by turning their heads slightly, because the sound reaches the owl's ears a little earlier and later to adapt to the shape of the head. They do not make any sound while flying in the air. The vulture's facial disc helps it hear sounds made by prey. Many species of vultures have facial discs unevenly arranged to help locate prey.

There are many types of owls in our country. Among which - Lakshmi Pecha, Neem Pecha, Kotre Pecha, Kupokkh or Kal Pecha, Bhutam Pecha, Mountain Owl, Bhuma Pecha, Banded Neempokh Pecha, Grass Forest Owl and Great Forest Owl are among them.

Some peculiar features of patches

# Some species of owls, including the great horned owl, can swim in water. Owls often have to go to water bodies to catch prey and the feathers are likely to get wet. But birds with heavy feathers like owls cannot fly with wet feathers. Then they mainly swim to the shore with the help of wings.

The # patch neck features are amazing. They usually have 14 joints in their neck. But half of it is on the human neck. This unique body feature allows the owl's neck to rotate up to 270 degrees. This skill helps the owl survive. They cannot move their eyes easily. That's why owls have to turn their heads and keep an eye on their surroundings.

# The owl is generally seen as a nocturnal bird. But not all owls are nocturnal. There are several other species of owls that hunt during the day, including the great grey, northern hawk, northern pygmy. But evolution is responsible for them not being nocturnal. The reason is that no prey is available at night in the areas where they live.

# Pigeons play a very beneficial role in the economy of the Middle East. Rats are the main prey of owls in these regions. This rat is the enemy of crops. In Israel, Jordan, and the Palestinian Territories, vultures nest around farmland. A pair of owls hunts an average of 6,000 mice a year.

# Cuban 'Giant Owl' is the largest owl in the world. Their height is about 3 and a half feet. But they disappeared long ago. Researchers aren't sure if they could actually fly. If they had the ability to fly, then they could be said to be the largest flying birds in the world. Researchers also discovered their remains in the forests of Cuba.

# Some owls have false eyes, such as the Northern Pygmy Owl. Their eye color is bright yellow. But they also have some black feathers on the back of their heads, which look exactly like eyes. These false eyes confuse predators.

# Owls cannot build a nest. They mostly live in tree trunks in some form. Owls like to pick nests on trees abandoned by other owls.

# Snowy owls that live in the Arctic travel up to 3,000 miles south during the winter season.

The # owl can normally detect two types of sound waves in both ears.

# Female owls are larger in size than male owls.

Things to do to prevent Corona virus

# stay at home all the time.
# Follow the rules and use mask when going out for emergency.
# three-layer surgical mask can be washed if desired.
# wash clothes after coming home from outside. Or hang it without shaking for at least four hours.
# Wash hands thoroughly (for at least 20 seconds) with soap or liquid before coming outside.
# plastic PPE or eyes, face, head must be washed thoroughly with detergent and dried after one use.
# Wear PPE made of cloth or clean as described.
# Use a head cap that completely covers the hair.
# Those who have sneeze cough should follow all the rules promulgated by the government. Also, wash hands as directed before and after handling food items, keys, switches, mice, remote controls, mobiles, watches, computer desks, TVs, etc. and after using the bathroom. Those who have dry hands use Moisture after washing their hands. Soap or hand liquid can be used. Why can this virus remain in the crackle (cracked part) of dry hands? Avoid using highly alkaline soaps or detergents.

This post was last modified on জুন ২৭, ২০২১ 5:18 pm

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