The Dhaka Times Desk বিশ্বের শীর্ষ প্রযুক্তি প্রতিষ্ঠান Apple The well-known ones are constantly reinvented iPhone These mobile sets are very popular for and among mobile users. Recently, the news revealed that Apple's new iPhone is going to be released on the 10th of September and at the same time it is known that on the same date Apple will release their iOS 7 Release its latest version to developers.
যতদূর জানা গিয়েছে আইফোন ৫এস এবং আইফোন ৫সি দুই এই মডেল অবমুক্ত হবে অক্টোবরে। এই নিয়ে বিস্তারিত জানতে পড়ুন দি ঢাকা টাইমসের রিপোর্ট The iPhone 5S and the affordable iPhone 5C will hit the market on October 25. Also coming in September is the latest version of iOS, iOS 7 – called Goldmaster. The final version of a software is called "Gold Master" and the version is widely marketed. Apple usually calls their final product Goldmaster.
Usually, Apple launches a new mobile phone for sale within a few days of announcing the release of a new iPhone model. Accordingly, if the new iPhone is released on September 10, the new model of iPhone will be available in the market shortly after that. The latest version of ISO 7 will be exposed to the developers so that the reports from the developers know if there are any doubts about that version.
The latest version of iOS 7 will reach Apple's own employees and carrier partners by September 5th. Adorned with new user interface and excellent features, the latest version of iOS 7 is expected to be flawless and popular among all mobile lovers.
Reference: The Tech Journal
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