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Police couple murder Aishee's confessional statement is going on in the court

The Dhaka Times Desk Oishi, who was arrested and remanded for murdering her parents, was produced in the court. Confessional testimony is ongoing till the writing of this report. News from TV channel sources.


Police officer Mahfuzur Rahman and his wife Swapna Rahman, after 5 days of remand, 3 people including daughter Oishi have been taken to Dhaka Metropolitan Magistrate Court.

He is making a confessional statement under Section 164 of the Criminal Procedure Code in the court of Metropolitan Magistrate Md. Anwar Sadat on Saturday afternoon. The deposition was ongoing till the writing of this report.

It is to be noted that on the evening of August 16, the police recovered the bodies of Special Branch Inspector Mahfuz Rahman and his wife Swapna Rahman from their house in Chameli Bagh, Minto Road of the capital. After that murder, their only daughter Aishi went missing mysteriously. The next day, August 17, at 12 noon, Oishi surrendered to the Paltan police. According to his statement, police arrested his friend Mizanur Rahman Roni and maid Sumi. Later, they were presented in court and asked for 10 days remand, the court granted 5 days remand to 3 people. Their remand ended last Friday.

Staff reporter

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