Apple's new iPad for the next generation

Dhaka Times Desk Apple has released a new iPad for the next generation. Apple Inc. unveiled the much awaited fast iPad. The large company is optimistic about this device of high-speed Internet technology, advanced video resolution. Apple believes the tablet will keep its old dominance in the market ahead of competition with other pads. The company's chief executive, Tim Cook, recently unveiled the iPad in front of the audience at a grand event. This device has 4G technology, which is 10 times faster than the current 3G technology, with the benefit of clear and quality video from the old devices.
পরবর্তী প্রজন্মের জন্য অ্যাপেলের নতুন আইপ্যাড 1পরবর্তী প্রজন্মের জন্য অ্যাপেলের নতুন আইপ্যাড 1
It is known that Apple's new tablet is ready to face the challenge with Google and Microsoft's software-driven tablets running on Android operating system waiting to come to the market. Tim Cook said of the device, 'Everyone was eagerly waiting to see what would be better than the iPad-2. The wait is over, it's here.' Before its unveiling, Cook gave a speech on the 'post-PC world'. In it, he talks about the changing computer user, the new format of traditional desktop PCs, laptops and tablets. He also announced that the $99 Apple TV set named 'Hobby' of late Apple chief Steve Jobs now comes with 1080p screen technology.

"Last year, 172 million 'post-PC' devices were sold," Cook said at an event at Apple's unveiling center in downtown San Francisco, Jarba Bunner. Unbelievably, these increased our revenue by 76 percent.
According to the survey, there were 67 million tablet users worldwide as of last year.
Source: Yahoo News

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