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Will Justin Bieber be seen in the movie called 'Superman vs. Batman'?

The Dhaka Times Desk Superman Series Movie 'Man of Steel' In its sequel, the two popular superhero characters Batman and Superman will be seen together for the first time 'Superman vs Batman' In the movie named But what is surprising for the moviegoers is that the pop star played the role of Robin in that movie Justin Bieber There is confusion about whether to act.


After last September 13, Justin Bieber uploaded a picture of the script of 'Superman vs. Batman', with Justin Bieber's name watermarked on it. Consequently, it is clear that the script is for Justin Bieber. Justin Bieber captioned the uploaded photo “#Robin ??” .

Due to the film's title, Bieber's potential role as Robin has become a topic of discussion among moviegoers and critics. However, there has been more of a negative reaction to Bieber's acting rumours. Batman fans wrote, 'It's better to be blind than to see Bieber as Robin' or 'If something like this happens, Batman is completely destroyed.' Bieber fans are pretty excited though.

But Batman fans don't have to worry, Hollywoodlife says It is known from a source that Justin Bieber's Robin character is a distant thing, there is no possibility of acting in any other character in the next Batman movie.


It has also been reported that a comedy website called Fun or Die starred in a video on September 13 and it means that Justin Bieber has played a big joke on all moviegoers.

However, whether Justin Bieber is acting or not, it is certain that the actor is playing Batman Ben Affleck And the main actor of the film 'Man of Steel' will remain in the role of Superman Henry Cavill. This sequel is likely to release in theaters on July 17, 2015, and till then all movie lovers including Superman-Batman fans will have to wait.

 Reference: Senate News

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