Categories: health talk

Health damage when in diet: Excess sugars can also make the body fat

The Dhaka Times Desk Not just eating food. That food should be according to the rules. Otherwise, that food can also cause your health destruction.

Our daily diet consists of a variety of delicacies and combinations of different tastes. Many times we can't even think about how healthy this food is. We should prefer foods that are easy to prepare with less effort. Like the Eastern countries, the number of people who are overweight or obese is increasing day by day in this underdeveloped country of ours. This number is increasing alarmingly. So we should be aware now.

Many times we favor sugary foods by excluding oily foods. I think that the oil is being consumed less, but why is the weight increasing? Many people also say that I give very little oil in food, yet I gain weight day by day. Among other foods, sugary foods have been found to be consumed in excess. Or not working out as much as what is being eaten. So we need to be informed about how much we eat and how much we eat every day. Many people are eating muri, chirda, khai or roti instead of rice. But these foods contain almost the same amount of energy that helps us gain weight quickly. So in the food list, we have to provide all the food items that will fulfill our sugar needs, and also reduce weight gain.

They are red rice rice, flour bread with husks, beetroot husks, different types of vegetables, sprouts, stalks, sprouts, etc. These should be included in our diet. We can stay healthy. Another thing, limited amount of vegetable oil can be consumed in food. Many times it has been seen that the skin becomes dry and rough, the hair falls out, the brightness of the face is lost due to stopping the consumption of oil. So from these we can use soybean and sunflower oil, marine fish, cordliver oil etc. Not only should the amount of food be reduced, but physical exertion should also be done. You should walk for half an hour daily. This walk will not be the same walk again. Practice walking in such a way that you have to take two steps per second. This is not possible at first, so start with ten minutes. In this way, if you are careful in all aspects, there will be no possibility of gaining weight.

We eat 3-4 main meals daily such as rice, fish, meat, pulses, spinach, vegetables and in between various snacks such as tea-biscuits, tang and high calorie foods such as sandwiches, burgers, ice cream, soft drinks, singara. , eating sumucha, patties and yummy food. We consume various types of water such as Piyaju, Beguni, Chatapti, Lachi, Muri and Chanachur makha available on the roadside. But how healthy are these and sometimes this food can cause various reactions such as stomach pain, diarrhea, dysentery and even death due to poisoning. Among these, 2-3 major poisonings are described as-

Food intolerance or food intolerance

It is an abnormal reaction to food that is not immune related and can be caused by various drugs such as histamine, tyramine or monosodium glutamate, metabolic or metabolic such as lactose deficiency or other mechanisms such as food poisoning and toxins and various chemicals in food.

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Lactose Intolerance Diarrhea – Caused by high lactose in breast milk or canned milk or low enzyme in the body. Normally: Breast milk contains about 200 mmol/liter of lactose, which after digestion is converted to glucose and galactose by an enzyme present in the brush border of the intestine. Most lactose-converting enzyme-deficient diarrhea causes no symptoms. Some people experience abdominal cramping, pain, bloating or flatulence, gas and bloating, rumbling, and frequent bowel movements after consuming milk or milk-based foods. If a reducing substance is present by stool examination, the disease is diagnosed and treated with a low-lactose or lactose-free diet.

Diarrhea due to other sugars

Indigestible sugars or sorbitol can cause osmotic diarrhea caused by sweeteners used instead of sugar.

High intake of fructose (consuming too much fruit juice) can cause diarrhea.
If you avoid them, you can stay free from diarrhea.

Food allergies

Food allergy is an immune mediated disease. It is mostly caused by immunoglobulin IgE antibodies and manifests as a type-1 hypersensitivity reaction. 20 percent of people suffer from food allergies. The most common food allergens are shrimp, fish, beef, eggplant, milk and milk products, eggs, soy, shellfish. Immediately or shortly after taking these foods, the affected person may have a red rash all over the body or locally, itching, difficulty breathing and sometimes death. Some people experience itching, rashes, swelling of the lips and throat after consuming fresh fruit juice (which contains benzoic acid). The diagnosis of food allergy is very difficult, but the diagnosis of the disease is possible if you know that the amount of eosinophils in the blood is increased and what foods are eaten by the skin allergy test, serum or antibody diagnosis. In addition to the above symptoms, these patients may also have diarrhoea, nausea, vomiting, palpitations and shortness of breath. Avoiding foods that cause food allergies, taking antihistamines and corticosteroids as advised by the doctor in case of food allergies, transfer to ICU for treatment if life is critical.

Food poisoning

Foods stored for a long time can cause food poisoning if consumed later. This poisoning is usually caused by a spore-bearing bacteria called Clostridium botulinum. Usually, canned meat, salmon fish, vegetables, honey are infected with this bacteria and cause fatal poisoning called botulism. This results in colic pain in affected children, adults, bilateral cranial neuropathy with progressive weakness of the limbs, difficulty swallowing or eating, blurred vision or double vision, and dyspnea or respiratory paralysis. There is usually no fever. Blood pressure is normal and there is a normal or low heart rate or pulse. The patient recovered with polyvalent antitoxin with assisted ventilation and general supportive measures. Clostridium botulinum is diagnosed by culture. With blood TC, DC should be checked. Any time a person cuts, cooks food on their hands, especially E-coli can cause food poisoning and can lead to death if proper and prompt treatment is not taken. A few days ago, 30-35 people died due to E. coli food poisoning in Germany and some European countries. It was caused by eating cucumbers that were infected with E-coli. Therefore, raw salad fruits should always be washed well before eating. This E-coli is a weapon of bioterrorism. For this reason, prevention and treatment against its infection have always been prepared in the developed countries of the world.

It is true that we cannot live without food. But if the food is not cleaned and cooked before consumption, it can cause food poisoning or reaction. Also, food allergies such as shrimp, eggplant, beef, eggs, milk and milk products, shellfish should be avoided. Diarrhea due to the presence of various sugars in the diet or lack of enzymes can cause dysentery and these should be avoided. The most important thing is that it is better not to eat canned fish, meat, vegetables that have been stored for a long time. Eating can cause food poisoning. That is, if you are a little aware of food and take preventive measures, you can stay free from food poisoning and abnormal reactions.

# Professor Dr. Md. Tahminur Rahman Sajal
Head of Department (Pathology), Anwar Khan Modern Medical College, Dhaka.

This post was last modified on জুন ১৩, ২০২২ 11:18 am

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