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Real won big with the great pair of Ronaldo-Gareth Bale

Ronaldo and Gareth Bale scored five goals as Real Madrid cruised to a 7-3 win over Sevilla on Wednesday night. Ronaldo scored a hat-trick, including a penalty, and Bale's two goals, along with Karim Benzema's two goals.


Gareth Bale was rumored to be lacking in fitness since joining the Real team. There have also been rumors that the player, who was bought for $100 million, will not be able to give much to the team. But all the criticisms were answered last night! Besides scoring two goals himself, Gareth Bale made the night his own by directly contributing two more goals. Ronaldo's hat trick has been covered by his performance!

Bale started the goal. In the fourteenth minute of the game, Bale, who was standing in front of the goal post, suddenly received the ball from Benzema, then gently touched the ball to the left corner and sent it into the opponent's net. Gareth Bale opened the scoring in the Premier League. Then in the 27th minute, the second goal of the match came from Bale's foot.

Ronaldo scored from the penalty spot in the 32nd minute to lead Real 3-0 before the break. However, Sevilla reduced the lead just before the break. Ivan Rakitic scored the first goal for Sevilla from the penalty spot in the 38th minute, and Sevilla's Bacca scored a solo goal with a bullet shot six yards from the post in the 40th minute.

But there was still the Bell scene. Bale attacked from the counter attack in the 53rd minute and passed the ball to Benzema. Seeing the goalkeeper alone, Benzema took full advantage of the opportunity and scored. Madrid is leading 4-2 in the match.

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In the 60th minute, Bale came to the goal stage again, but this time, not by himself, but by scoring through Ronaldo, Bale took Dalak's lead 5-0. In the 71st minute with the help of Benzema, Ronaldo completed the hat trick with another goal.

Benzema scored his second goal in the last 80 minutes with the help of Marcelo. Earlier in the 63rd minute, Ivan Rakitic tried to bring Sevilla back into the match by scoring another goal, drowning the Real defenders in despair.

Raziur Rahman

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