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Find out if someone is secretly using your ID!

The Dhaka Times Desk Currently, many internet users use more than one ID but it is not possible for everyone to use or maintain all the IDs regularly, besides, there is a lot of hacking nowadays, so to know if your ID has been hacked or if someone is trying to hack it, now a personalized site has been created. HaveIBeenPwned.


In this site called HaveIBeenPwned, you can easily find out if your ID has been hacked by entering the ID name. This system is very useful because already several sites in the world with millions of users have been hacked and many users of these sites do not know that someone else is entering their ID and stealing their various confidential information. A few days ago According to a report, around 2 million user IDs were hacked simultaneously From various sites like Facebook, Twitter, Gmail.


Through this site called HaveIBeenPwned, you can know whether your ID has been hacked or not, HaveIBeenPwned has detailed information about various hacked IDs and sites all over the world, so by submitting your ID, they will match it with all the hacked information and give you Will let you know if your valuable ID is on the list!

Already the HaveIBeenPwned site has gained immense popularity, many online users are visiting the HaveIBeenPwned site to check whether their ID is safe or not. Within three days of the site's launch, more than 50,000 users have taken their ID information so far.

However, it is not yet known from any other source that HaveIBeenPwned site is false or fake! At the same time, it is not known that anyone has yet received information from this site that their ID has been hacked! As a result, although there is some doubt about the matter, the site has already gained tremendous popularity. In this case, one thing must be said: "What happens must happen!"

Source: The TechJournal

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