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Pictorial: The Mysterious Bermuda Triangle Story

The Dhaka Times Desk Bermuda Triangle is one of the mysterious places in the world. Many people may know this story. But a recent study has revealed some new information. These stories of the mysterious Bermuda Triangle have been created today.

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The researchers found that, except for some natural exceptional features, this triangle is as normal as any other area. The Bermuda Triangle has always been considered one of the most cursed places in the world. So far, as many mysterious accidents have been reported here, there have never been so many accidents anywhere else. That's why the local residents named this area Papatma's triangle.

This is the location of the Bermuda Triangle in the Atlantic Ocean. This area is bounded by three edges. Hence it is called Bermuda Triangle or Bermuda Triangle. These three ends are Florida in the United States, Puerto Rico at one end, and Bermuda Island in the West Indies at the other.

The size and mystery of mysterious Bermuda

The total area of Bermuda Triangle is 114 lakh square kilometers. It is located between 25-40 degree north latitude and 55-58 degree west longitude. One of the many mysteries of the region is that a ship becomes completely unable to transmit radio waves within moments of entering this triangular area. completely failed to make contact with the coast and at some point mysteriously disappeared without being able to determine direction.

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At least 50 commercial ships and 20 aircraft have disappeared in the area in the past 200 years, according to US Navy sources. No trace of which has been found even today. Among the missing ships, the incident of the disappearance of the United States nuclear submarine in May 1968 caused the greatest stir around the world. That mystery is still unfolding.

Another incident was in December 1945. 5 US bombers lost during training. One of the pilots was able to send a very low radio wave just before disappearing. In his radio message, one word was repeated over and over again, 'Heavy fog ahead.' We can't see anything. I don't even know where I'm going. Save us.' It is known that immediately after receiving this message, a rescue team of the US Air Force headed towards the area. But surprisingly, the rescue team also disappeared after a while.

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It is believed that around 1500 people have lost their lives in that area. The most surprising thing is that no remains of these lost vehicles have been found much later. The absence of radio waves has been mentioned at various times to explain its mystery, but no concrete evidence has been found so far. The US military has conducted several studies in the area but has not been able to recover any information.

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However, according to those who have been researching this mysterious area for a long time, according to the sailors' comments, radio waves are sometimes lost in this area, but not always. Because normal radio wave flow cannot be lost or wiped out in any part of the world. Then the wireless system of the whole world would be destroyed. However, researchers have also provided some evidence for the missing. The explanation given for not finding the wreckage is that the mysterious Bermuda Triangle is one of the deepest places in the Atlantic Ocean. Even with modern and trained diving equipment it is never possible to carry out rescue operations in these areas. Thanks to satellite technology it may be possible to know where the wreckage is, but recovering it is very difficult - at least researchers think so. As a result, there is absolutely no possibility of finding any missing ruins in this area. The Bermuda mystery still exists among the people—perhaps it will in the future. Source: Online.

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