The Dhaka Times Desk Think about it, if you stand at a height of about 3,396 feet above the ground and look down and see that there is no ground under your feet, how would you feel if you are standing in the void? Yes, just to give such a feeling Mont Blanc France has built a glass house at 3,396 feet on the mountain.
The height of this glass house made in France is 3,396 feet above the earth's surface Mont Blanc This spectacular structure is built on this long height on top of the mountain. It took almost 3 years to build this structure in France but finally they opened this sight to the general public.
Anyone who wants to test what it feels like to see themselves in the void from this height can go to the glass house at 3,396 feet on Mont Blanc in the European Union.
The entire house is made up of 5 glass walls on both sides. Each of its glass walls is 12 millimeters thick and strong! Visitors have to spend about 6 thousand rupees to return from the glass house by cable car!
Source: Boredpanda
This post was last modified on জানুয়ারি ১৯, ২০২৩ 9:23 pm
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