Categories: international news

Police will use Google Glass to catch criminals

The Dhaka Times Desk Google Glass has already arrived in the market. New York City police are experimenting with Google Glass for use in catching criminals.


Google Glass has a built-in camera. With which you can take pictures and make videos. The glass can take anyone's photo and compare it to a pre-built database. For this, an application called Nametag is installed with Google Glass. But it is still in experimental stage.

Even if the appearance is not clear, Google Glass can show the name, photo and other information of the potential person from the database. Which will be useful in interrogating suspects.

In addition, the police report must be written or typed first. But thanks to Google Glass, the video can be reported very easily and quickly.

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New York City police are experimenting with Google Glass. When Google Glass becomes widely used by police, it will be added to a separate database of criminals.

However, Google is not helping the police with this glasses technology. However, if the police use Google Glass, they will have a huge market.

The functionality of this smart glass of Google will make the police more efficient. As a result, it will be easy to catch criminals.

Source: venturebeat

This post was last modified on মার্চ ১৩, ২০১৭ 12:33 pm

ABM Noorullah

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