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Smart pillow: an effective solution to the problem of snoring!

The Dhaka Times Desk Many people suffer from insomnia at night because they wake up to the sound of their partner's snoring. But now the smart pillow will protect you from noisy snoring and help you sleep peacefully.

Smart pillow -2Smart pillow -2

The smart pillow will help snorers gently change their position when they snore or wake them up with a gentle sound. The smart pillow works in coordination with a microphone that captures the sound wave pulse of the snoring. Then the air-filled sac inside it swells up to three inches high. Manufacturers think this is enough for a sleeping person's head and body movements.

Sleeping in your comfortable position can greatly reduce snoring. Because it does not get the tongue root stuck in the throat and does not obstruct your breathing, the smart pillow will give the person that utility. The raised portion of the pillow keeps a sleeper's airway elevated. The pillow takes 30 minutes for a person to fall asleep completely. As soon as light or heavy snoring starts, the pillow starts to inflate according to the person's comfort and the sensitivity of the microphone turns on.

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With a set of soft buttons on one side of the smart pillow, the user turns on the sensitivity and comfort of the pillow as desired. High sensitivity is used for light snoring and low sensitivity for heavy snoring. The pillow can also be manually inflated four to seven inches as per the individual's preference. The smart pillow is filled with polyethylene and the top cover is polyester which can be opened and cleaned. The design of the pillow is more like a swing. Power is supplied to the pillow through an electrical socket.

The pillow can be purchased from New York-based online retailer Hammacher Schlemmer at a price of $149, which is 11,800 in Bangladeshi taka.

Reference: Dailymail

This post was last modified on ফেব্রুয়ারি ১৩, ২০১৪ 12:26 am

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