Categories: recipe

Recipe: Carrot Noodles

The Dhaka Times Desk Today's recipe is Carrot Nadu. This carrot nadu is easy to make. It is a very healthy item. So let's see how to make this carrot nadu.


  • # carrot 1 kg
  • # sugar 800 grams
  • # cinnamon 3
  • # cardamom powder 4/5
  • # bay leaf 2
  • # ghee half cup
  • prepared method

    First, wash the carrots well and seal them. Now rub the whole carrot on the cuttings of potato fritters and cut them in jhajhar shape. Now in a bowl mix all the ingredients like: ghee, bay leaf, cinnamon, cardamom powder, grated carrot, sugar and keep stirring. Keep stirring for half an hour or so. When you see that it is entwined like a coconut and the oil is visible, then take it down to see if it has become sticky. If it seems sticky then make round in the palm of your hand in the shape of nadu and keep it on the plate. When all are made in this way, arrange on the table and serve.

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    This post was last modified on জুলাই ১১, ২০২৪ 11:36 am

    Laila Haque

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