The Dhaka Times Desk Usually, animation films consist of several still images playing over and over again. A new method has been developed that transforms 3D animation images to appear as if the images are coming off the screen.
These gif format images will make you feel like the content is actually coming out of the screen. It will take a lot of puzzle. The question arises, how is it possible?
The procedure is not very difficult. But there is too much trickery in it. Two vertical white lines are used in these pictures. These lines divide the picture into three parts. When the content of the animated picture comes in front of these white spots. The viewer seems to come out of the screen towards him.
Going a little deeper, the white dots are placed as the context points of the image. Nothing happens when the subject is behind or parallel to these spots. But when the spots cross over and come forward, your brain will go crazy. It seems that this feeling came out towards you.
এই ধরনের ছবি অনেকেই বানিয়েছে। নির্দিষ্ট কারো নাম বলা যাবে না। জনপ্রিয় মাইক্রো ব্লগিং সাইট টাম্বলারে You will see many such pictures when you enter. Check out some more 3D animations that transform images to look like they're popping off the screen.
Source: Boredpanda
This post was last modified on জুলাই ১১, ২০২৪ 2:07 pm
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