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The world's largest airplane is going to fly in 2015

The Dhaka Times Desk British company Hybrid Air Vehicle is building a plane called the world's largest aircraft and will fly by 2015. Let's know the details.

Named after the hybrid aircraft developed by the British company THE AIRLANDER. Many may think of German air balloons when they see it. But although it looks like an air balloon, it is actually a hybrid aircraft. It will have advanced aircraft flight techniques and helium gas power (helium buoyancy). But it will also have enough equipment to maintain balance. It should also look like a cucumber which will help it balance and fly faster, thus making it safer.

Air Cushion Landing System (ACLS) Through this, it is assumed that heavy goods can be lifted with this aircraft. Different models of the Airlander are currently in the works but will have a cushioned bottom for landing, so it can land on water, land and even ice. These cushions offer many other benefits including carrying extra cargo. No matter how clumsy it looks, it won't be a problem to get off and on. Flying in it (Take-off) Will do in the blink of an eye. Helium and advanced flight technology will make transporting passengers and cargo much safer and faster than ever before. It is expected that the desired service will reach the doorstep of the passengers in less time.

It has added fancy design. There will be 2 primary designs with different designs in which two types of work facilities will be available. this AIRLANDER Let's shed some light on it to understand its working efficiency.

  • First of all it is mainly designed for safe travel. No matter how much it looks like a toy or a gas balloon on any flat land 40 knots It can land at speed. Not only that 10,000 Shaft horsepower (SHP) It is so strong that it is capable of transporting 50 tons of goods in any adverse situation.
  • Secondly, it is powered by helium gas according to the dynamics of the air, but its design has been done in such a way that besides providing passenger transport services, it can also operate helicopter while maintaining flexibility.
  • Thirdly AIRLANDER Its scope is divided into two important parts. One is general observation and other is weight lifting. At the end of the overall observation, it was found that it can continue for a maximum of 5 days with a height of 16 thousand feet. Besides, special attention has been paid to the lifting of loads to make the transportation of passengers and goods comfortable.
  • Fourthly, simplicity has been kept in its management system so that it does not face any complications during take-off and landing. Where a helicopter can lift 20 tonnes, this AIRLANDER's design is so innovative that it can lift 50 tonnes 2,600 nautical miles at speed

It will have a natural take-off and landing system without any runway due to technical capability. Can continue for 21 days. It is expected to be ready for freight and passenger traffic by early 2015.

The amount sanctioned by the government for this AIRLANDER is approx $100M (£60M) But the British company has gotten by with its technical prowess so far £2.5M money Vince Cable, the company's secretary, said that they will use more skilled manpower to make this kind of environmentally friendly plane. See details here.


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