Categories: entertainment

Pictures of some of Australia's most famous and dangerous wild animals

The Dhaka Times Desk Australia's fauna and natural diversity is more animal-friendly than any other region of the world. Sometimes wild animals come from the forest of Australia and harm people, today some such scenes will come up in our report.


In the picture above you can see a bat being eaten by a python.


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A huge crocodile has been caught by National Geographic experts.


A poisonous snake was found in the bathroom of a resident of Australia!


Super store is not exempt from the origin of snakes! A huge python has entered a local cloth shop.


A person is attacked by numerous flies.


Even though jellyfish look like jelly, just see how dangerous it can be to come into contact with them!


Snakes build their dens wherever they can, with snakes originating from golf courses in South Australia.


After snake attacks everywhere, now in the above picture you can see a python snake hanging between the wings of the plane. It is noted that this plane of Australian Airlines made an emergency landing after this incident.


See for yourself how big earthworms can be.


You may occasionally come across snakes as well as crocodiles on Australian roads.


Take a good look at the picture, what do you see? Yes, in the picture, a huge python is pulling a deer by biting it from below!


A python is swallowing a monitor lizard!


In the picture above, the buck's fishing is captured in a very nice click.

Source: Buzzfeed

This post was last modified on অক্টোবর ১৮, ২০১৪ 12:32 pm


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