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Unknown: Horses do not die from snake venom, snake venom antidote is made in horse blood!

The Dhaka Times Desk The horse's body has a special ability to resist snake venom, so if the horse is bitten by a snake, nothing will happen to the horse. When bitten by a snake, anti-venom is produced in the horse's body.

For a long time, anti-venoms have been made from horse blood serum to protect humans from snake venom. If a horse is bitten by a snake, the horse is not harmed. Horses are generally weak for a day or two after being bitten by a highly venomous snake.

When a horse is bitten by a snake, a special anti-venom is produced in the horse's body. This anti-venom works to neutralize the effectiveness of snake venom. As a result, this anti-venom produced in the horse's body acts as an antidote if a human is bitten by a snake.

Basically, there are numerous anti-venom companies around the world to make anti-venom, which is used as an antidote to snake bites. Their main work is to apply snake venom to horse body and then prepare anti-venom vaccine for humans from horse anti-venom.

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If snake poison is applied to the horse's body, anti-venom that destroys the poison is produced in the horse's blood within two days. Meanwhile, the vaccine manufacturing companies collect blood from those horses and separate the red and white blood cells and take only the serum. This serum was later further processed to produce an anti-venom vaccine.

In this way, vaccines have been prepared to protect humans from snake venom for ages by injecting poison into the horse's body. It does not harm the horse.

Source: WikiAnswer

This post was last modified on ফেব্রুয়ারি ৬, ২০১৫ 10:51 am


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