Categories: apps

Invention of new software to determine the future appearance of the child

The Dhaka Times Desk Human appearance changes with age. There is no way to know whether the picture is of that person by looking at a picture of one's childhood. It is very difficult to imagine what a child will look like in the future. Recently, software has been developed that analyzes a photo to determine fairly accurately what she will look like at different ages.

The software was developed by three researchers from the University of Washington and Google. This is not the first initiative to create this kind of software. Tried many times before. But none could accurately determine the change in appearance.

To develop the software, the trio of scientists collected images of 1500 people from each age group. Thus they collected a total of 40,000 images from zero to 100 years. Images are taken from different sources. Then they started researching them. By analyzing the changes in appearance with age, similarities and differences in the appearance of one person with another, they were able to build a prediction algorithm.

The final algorithm calculates the change in appearance of people from one age to another and displays images of different ages. This requires a clear picture that the software analyzes and predicts the future.

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If given a picture, it will show different ages up to 80 years old. In addition, it can be very effective in finding lost children as it detects changes in appearance fairly accurately.

See how people's faces change at different ages:

It is exciting to know what the future will look like for you or your baby. The software will give you that opportunity.

Source: The Tech Journal

This post was last modified on এপ্রিল ১৬, ২০১৪ 11:43 am

ABM Noorullah

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