The Dhaka Times Desk The irresistible germ of kidnapping is coming towards the capital from Narayanganj. A businessman was abducted in Abdullahpur. Kidnapping is the biggest fear in the country in the current situation. Eradication of this hijacking 'virus' is essential.
Narayanganj businessman Saiful Islam was abducted from Abdullahpur within a day of his rescue. Hotel businessman Md. Jasim Uddin (26) has been kidnapped. But this time the kidnapping was done in a different style. The said Jasim was abducted in the identity of the proletariat instead of being abducted by the police. It is said that the abductors have demanded Tk 70 lakh and 20 gold bars from Jasim's family as ransom. The incident took place on Wednesday, and the ransom was demanded on the mobile on Saturday morning.
Khalilur Rahman, the father of the abducted Jasim, told the media that at around 9 am last Wednesday, Md. Jasim Uddin left his house in Dhour area of Turag to go to the hotel, but he did not go to the hotel. Later in the afternoon, the manager of the hotel, Tauhid, told on mobile that Jasim has not reached the hotel yet. Since then the mobile phone used by businessman Jasim has been switched off. A case was registered in this regard on Thursday night at Turag police station. Yesterday, Jasim's father said that apart from Tk 70 lakh, 20 gold pieces of gold were demanded as ransom. The kidnappers have ruled that Jasim will be killed if the ransom money is not received on time.
According to the sources of Turag police station, necessary measures are being taken by identifying the location of the members of the abducting group through mobile call list and tracking. Police, DB and RAB are said to be working together to rescue Jasim alive and arrest the abductors.
The incident of kidnapping from Narayanganj is now gradually coming towards the capital Dhaka. Now everyone has to be more careful. It has already been decided by the Ministry of Home Affairs to ban dark glasses in cars and not to catch accused in white clothes. Everyone has been urged to be alert so that no one can abduct anyone in the guise of the police by talking about white clothes.
Kidnappings are happening one after the other. But the real criminals always remain elusive. That's why it happens again and again. If criminals can be brought under the law and severe punishment can be arranged, no one else would have the courage to do such an event.
This post was last modified on মে ৪, ২০১৪ 9:57 am
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