The Dhaka Times Desk We Bangladeshis may be poor, but the people of Bangladesh can be called happy for several reasons. We can do things that foreign or developed countries cannot do. All in all, Bangladeshis can be very happy with little. Let's find out why Bangladeshis are the happiest nation.
Bangladeshis use the roof more than anything else
Among all the nations of the world, Bangladeshis use the roof the most. The people of Bangladesh start from watching the moon on the roof and go up to the roof once in the afternoon to enjoy the south wind. On the roof, Bangladeshi boys fly kites, girls blow their hair. Adults eat the afternoon air. In a word, you will not find such versatile use of the roof in any other country of the world.
Garbkari with Tong shop in our neighborhood
We Bengalis are not super-malls, we are pregnant with our neighborhood tong shops. Here the people of Bangladesh can buy tea, cigarettes, bean and all things tuki taki. Because of such shops, Bengalis can be very happy and chattering.
Salon of Bangladesh
The salons of Bangladesh must be talking about happiness. Bangladesh is one such country in the world where you can get a free body massage along with hair cutting. Shall the barber ask you with a smile, brother, I will make the body?
There is a huge market for second hand products
Currently, in all the countries of the world where there is no option but to use everything one time, you as a Bangladeshi will find thousands of shops here where you can get everything from your old shoes to mobile phones fixed at affordable prices. There is a huge market for second hand products.
Rickshaw service
You will find rickshaw service as a 24 hours a week transport only in Bangladesh. You will get rickshaw service in all weather conditions. Rickshaw-riding Bengalis are undoubtedly a happy nation.
Freedom of bathing
Bathing in Bangladesh in summer is a simple and common affair. People here can take a bath 24 hours a day, wherever they want! What could be happier than this?
Dahi, Fuchka, Chatapti, Jhalmuri
The description of street food in Bangladesh is historical. Here you will find a variety of street food including curd, phuchka, chatpati, jhalmuri. As a result, it is fun to eat these foods sometimes alone or in a group.
The land of festivals
Bangladesh is a country of festivals, here Hindu-Muslims have separate festivals for people of all religions but people of all religions maintain harmony and share shopping, joy and fun in each other's festivals. In which country in the world will you find?
Real life game
People of Bangladesh have real life sports, there are numerous sports like Hadudu, Kabaddi, Dariyabandha. You can play these games anytime any day! Bangali does not require XBOX or PS3 to play. They are happy on the field.
Bengali loves to chat
Another happy thing about Bengalis is that they love to chat. Anywhere, two or three people make a great conversation. Chat where there is happiness!
Cricket is the life game of Bengalis
Cricket is the life game of Bengalis, cricket is in the blood of people of Bangladesh. On the day when the Bangladesh team plays, all the eyes of the people of Bangladesh are on the TV screen at the same time. The whole nation unites and enjoys this game. Happiness is here!
Free home delivery
Bengalis get free home delivery of everything. There are hawkers in all areas of Bangladesh. They bring home all the daily necessities at market prices! Where else can you get such an opportunity?
Happiness is only in rice
Bengali happiness only in rice! People of Bangladesh do not understand anything except rice! If there is no rice for three meals, Bengali's stomach will not sleep! Rich food, fast food, everything is trivial to the pantha of Bengalis.
Sleep wherever you want
Bengali happiness sleep! Yes, the people of Bangladesh fall asleep wherever they want! Sleep well! Which nation can give a comfortable sleep wherever you want?
Festive mood
People of Bangladesh dress up in the mood of festival every Baisakh, here Baisakh means everyone's festival. Bengali women invite men on Boishakh with colorful dresses and processions.
family ties
Family ties are the biggest ties of people in Bangladesh. Yes, most families in Bangladesh are still single families! Can be together if not happy?
national flag
Despite all the above, Bangladeshis are the happiest nation as Bangladeshis all together under one national flag.
Thank you: buzzfeed | Feature image collected by: From
This post was last modified on জুলাই ১০, ২০১৪ 9:25 am
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