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To be determined on May 16: Still, polls and criticism storm India's new government

The Dhaka Times Desk Various speculations have started around the world about the new government of India. What will happen in the end is not clear yet. However, the world power USA has promised to work shoulder to shoulder with India in advance response. On the other hand, there is a storm of criticism around the world after the survey showed that Modi is forming the government.

Yesterday, the day after the last round of elections in India, the media of that country published the survey before the end of the polls, and the criticism of the political and observer circles started.

Many say that since 1999, surveys have been published from a political point of view. But when the results are published, the opposite picture is always seen. On Tuesday, the Indian National Congress, the main party of the country's ruling coalition UPA, directly rejected the polls. However, the much-talked about opposition Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) also rejected them. But they also said that they will win more than 300 seats as their alliance NDA and party. On the other hand, many have commented that the picture of West Bengal has not come out correctly in the survey. Indian news media.

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In such a situation, there is a massive reaction in Bangladesh about the election of India. Political experts of Bangladesh say that if the Congress does not come to power, the political context of Bangladesh may be somewhat different. The fear of Bangladesh is a bit high especially in the case of BJP. Because Modi has already made various announcements. However, experts believe that it was Modi's political move. In fact, there will be no tension with Bangladesh even if BJP comes to power. Moreover, political experts have commented that India enjoys more opportunities than Bangladesh as a neighboring country.

No matter what the situation is now. There is no change except to wait till the 16th. Be it polls or not, only after the full results of the Election Commission can we say who is the next Prime Minister of India.

Moreover, in 2004 and 2009, the NDA coalition led by the BJP was ahead in the exit polls. But then the Congress led UPA alliance formed the government. If the results of media polls change this time too, these 'exit polls' will be controversial.

The 2009 exit polls predicted that the BJP and its ally the NDA would get 240-250 seats. But later in the actual results, they got 189 seats. The Congress and its pre-election 'exit polls' at the time had predicted allies getting 170-205 seats. But they actually got 216 seats.

What the survey said

The India Today CICERO poll said the BJP-led NDA could win 283 seats from 261. On the other hand, the ruling Congress-led UPA may get 120 seats out of 110. Other parties can get 150 to 162 seats.

On the other hand, the ABP-Esenielsen survey says that the NDA will get more than 27 seats and the Congress-led UPA alliance will get 110 seats.

According to Times Now ORG survey, BJP alone will get 218 seats, NDA will get 249 seats and UPA will get 148 seats.

According to the India TV-CVoter survey, the NDA could win 249 seats, the Congress 101 and the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) 5. On the other hand, a survey by NewsX-CVoter said that BJP will get 251 seats and UPA 101 seats.

Now everything will depend on the actual results no matter what the 'exit poll' or survey says. But everyone will have to wait till May 16 for that. Because the Election Commission of India will announce the results on May 16. And then it will be decided who is actually going to form the government, and who will be the next Prime Minister of India.

This post was last modified on May 14, 2014 3:08 pm

Staff reporter

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