Categories: international news

World's fattest man Manuel Uribe has died

The Dhaka Times Desk The world's fattest man died on Monday in his native Mexico at the age of 48. He was bedridden for almost a decade due to his physical condition.


Manuel Uribe of Mexico was the world's fattest person recognized by the Guinness Book of Records. His weight was 1230 pounds or 560 kg. He was a resident of Nuevo Leon, Mexico. Authorities in Newbo Leun officially announced his death last Monday with permission from the hospital. He was recognized by the Guinness Book of Records in 2006.

Uribe was bedridden for almost an age because he could not afford to move with this body weight. He had lost some weight towards the end due to his prolonged bed rest and his weight at death was 394 kg or 867 lbs. The cause of his death has not been fully determined. However, according to the Associated Press, he had been suffering from an abnormal heartbeat since May 2.

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In this condition Uribe was admitted to the hospital. Medical examination showed that Uribe was suffering from liver problem. Uribe's nickname was Meme. He married Claudia Solis in 2008.

Reference: Independent

This post was last modified on মে ২৯, ২০১৪ 11:52 am

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