The Dhaka Times Desk Apple has started working to make their technology products more environmentally friendly. From now on, Apple will buy their old technology products directly from users. In addition, all of Apple's data centers and stores will use renewable energy.
As an initiative to become more green, Apple has opened a separate section on its own website called Environment. Here Apple has released detailed information about what else is doing to be environmentally friendly, how their technology products will be made environmentally friendly. If the old version of Apple's technology products held by various customers are suitable for reuse, its users can submit them to the Apple Store if they wish. Apple's technology products include iPhone, iPad, Mac computer, iMac laptop etc. In return its users will get a gift card. Using this gift card the user can purchase Apple products from various Apple stores. Apple says that all these gift cards have already reached around 420 Apple stores around the world.
Apple said about this initiative, many technology products use different materials that are harmful to the environment. Apple believes that if all these technology products can be recycled, they will not have much impact on the environment. In the last seven years, Apple has sold at least one billion technology products. A 2012 survey on the environment found that a large portion of carbon emissions come from technology products and services alone. According to a Greenpeace survey, technology companies emit twice as much carbon as all the world's airlines combined. Besides, companies like Google, Facebook, and other technology services require a large amount of servers and databases. It takes a lot of electricity to run them. According to Greenpeace, the total amount of electricity consumed by other countries around the world except the United States, Europe, and Japan. Running these servers consumes more electricity than that.
Apple says that they will use all their innovation and technology knowledge to work to make this world's environment as safe as possible. Apple has already introduced renewable energy as the power source for all US data centers and Apple Stores.
This post was last modified on জানুয়ারি ৩০, ২০২৪ 11:49 am
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