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Make spoiled ghee brand new!

The Dhaka Times Desk Ghee is one of the luxury foods of people, the price of just one kg of ghee is sometimes 2, 3 thousand taka if it is pure ghee. When such precious things are destroyed, it will surely feel bad to throw them away! Today we will know the benefits of ghee, how to store ghee for a long time and how to fix spoiled ghee like new.

Benefits of Ghee

Pure ghee is a very healthy food. Ghee is good for ulcers and constipation and for healthy eyes, Ghee is also used in making medicines for skin treatment. Ghee contains vitamins 'A', 'D', 'E' and 'K'. You can eat ghee to increase concentration and retain memory. It keeps the body and mind healthy at the same time. Ghee and ghee-based foods strengthen bone structure along with muscles. People with low cholesterol will benefit from ghee. However, those with high cholesterol levels should avoid ghee in their diet.

Preservation of ghee

Generally, in making pure ghee, ghee is distilled in a very pure way so that ghee can be stored for a long time. However, sometimes ghee can develop a slightly fermented smell due to negligence or exposure to air. Unlike butter, ghee can be stored for long periods of time in containers even outside the refrigerator. But in this case, it must be ensured that the lid of the cooker is well fitted in an airtight manner.

How to fix spoiled ghee

ঘি সাধারণত নষ্ট হয়েনা, তবে মাঝে মাঝে ঘিতে একটা গন্ধ হয় ফলে বাসার অনেকেই গন্ধ যুক্ত এই ঘি খেতে চায়না, তাই আপনার কাছে একটি সমাধান রয়েছে ঘি’কে একদম আগের মত তাজা করে তুলার। এর জন্য আপনাকে যা করতে হবেঃ সম্পূর্ণ ঘি একটি পাতিলে ঢেলে তাতে এক চামচ লবন দিয়ে ভালোভাবে আগুনে গরম করে নিন। ব্যাস হয়ে গেলো, ঘি এ হওয়া গাঁজানো গন্ধ হাওয়া! ঘি হয়ে যাবে একদম নতুনের মত তাজা!

Stay tuned to The Dhaka Times for more such tips.

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This post was last modified on জুলাই ৯, ২০১৪ 3:32 pm


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