Categories: international news

17 lakh rupees Rolex company watches sold for only 100 rupees!

The Dhaka Times Desk A group of thieves stole two Rolex company watches from a house in India and sold them for just 100 rupees. The two watches were priced at Tk 17 lakh and Tk 12 lakh respectively. One of them sold a watch for only 100 rupees. The other one they broke and sold to the iron shop.

According to police sources, a group of thieves stole two expensive watches from the house of a Congress leader in Ballia, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow, India. Most of the time there is less movement of people inside the house. And these thieves are sneaky thieves. They are thieves in the area and they know that most of the time the house is empty. Thieves are teenagers at the age of 12 to 15 years. Not only did they steal the watch, but apart from the two watches, they also stole gold necklaces, rings and expensive cameras. The two thieves were caught in the act of stealing another after this theft. Later he confessed to the police. It is known from their words that they have sold two expensive watches for only 100 rupees. But they were shocked when they heard the real price of these two watches from the police. Almost all the stolen items have been recovered, police said.

The watch worth 17 lakh rupees was sold to a pan vendor for 100 rupees. And the watch of 12 lakh rupees was broken and sold to a Bhangari shop for a few rupees. Then when they went to steal the house of another resident of the area, a person named Vijay Singh saw them cutting the air-conditioner line, when he informed the police, they were caught red-handed.

This post was last modified on ডিসেম্বর ২১, ২০২২ 9:38 am

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