The Dhaka Times Desk Facebook has introduced a new targeting tool to attract users to watch videos on their platform since last Thursday. If these videos are important for marketing, Facebook will motivate you more to watch these videos.
The point is that if you regularly watch videos on Facebook, the types of videos that have marketing value will be targeted to you and appear on Facebook. As a result, a new system will be introduced in the marketing of the companies through this. This does not mean that more ads will appear on Facebook. Rather, the level of Facebook ads will remain the same, but Facebook will recommend ad videos to you based on the user. In this regard, a Facebook official said, this is a new form of advertising. Facebook uses these new targeting tools alongside their marketing tools and these ads will appear in the form of video ads. Marketing companies in this case will write learn more below their ads and thus users can watch the video if they are interested in learning more about this consumer product or service. Facebook has introduced this new feature system to companies that are close to their users, which was previously used in search engines called Google or Bing.
These videos used for commercial purposes were not effective in reaching their users. But in Facebook's system, these video ads will be shown more to the users who watch more videos, and if they are interested in watching them, they will start showing them just by clicking on them. These videos will not be displayed like the premium video add that was launched last March. Rather, after these videos are uploaded on the company's page, Facebook will promote them to users if measures are taken to promote them. These videos will be 15 seconds in length and will play automatically. But premium videos are not fixed in length and do not appear automatically. They are also accompanied by sponsored videos through which its users get an idea of its promotion.
Facebook has also recently started working with a television advertising company. The company, called Matrix, previously made premium ads for Facebook. Facebook will launch this new feature from next week and users who regularly watch videos on Facebook will see more videos in their timeline.
Reference: Mashable
This post was last modified on জুন ১১, ২০১৪ 3:58 pm
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