The Dhaka Times Desk People who are overweight are often worried about losing weight. There are many questions like what to do to lose weight, how to look a little less fat. Interestingly, you can easily lose weight by adding some foods to your diet.
The properties of groundnuts
The first food I will talk about when it comes to weight loss is peanuts. Peanuts are very good food for health. It contains enough vitamins and minerals to provide energy to the body throughout the day. Fiber in peanuts suppresses appetite. Start your morning with a handful of peanuts. Doctors recommend eating peanuts for health as well as body fat control. But try to avoid salted peanuts in this case, it can cause damage to your body.
Egg whites
Many people think that eating eggs increases weight. The word is wrong in some cases. Egg yolk is responsible for increasing body weight. So if you want to lose weight, it is better to avoid egg yolk. Eating one or two egg whites in the morning will stay in the stomach longer and induce less hunger. Eggs are a very good source of protein. It is also good for the body. Dieters should have an egg for breakfast but of course excluding the egg yolk.
The power of apples
A common saying about apples is 'an apple a day keeps the doctor away'. An apple contains 4-5 grams of fiber. It reduces hunger pangs and helps to cut the accumulated fat in the body. So keep an apple with you to remove the twist. Weight loss is one of the many medicinal properties of apples, and the amount of energy an apple gives you can help you work well for part of the day.
Herbal properties of cinnamon
Sometimes we add little sugar to some food to make it mildly sweet and tasty. Suggestion for you if you want to lose body weight then add cinnamon powder instead of sugar. Apart from adding a different flavor to food, it also helps in weight loss.
Capsicum vitamins
Capsicum is rich in vitamin C. This vitamin C helps to lose weight very easily and very quickly. You can eat any type of capsicum, red, yellow or green, and use it in cooking. The best way is to eat capsicum in a salad. It will help you lose weight.
This post was last modified on জানুয়ারি ২২, ২০২৪ 11:16 am
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