The Dhaka Times Desk Advocate notice has been served to ban all Indian channels in Bangladesh. Supreme Court lawyer Ekhlas Uddin Bhuiyan sent this notice yesterday on Sunday.
Supreme Court lawyer Ekhlas Uddin Bhuiyan has given this notice to the government asking to stop broadcasting of all Indian television channels in Bangladesh within 24 hours.
It is said that Supreme Court lawyer Ekhlas Uddin Bhuiyan has sent this notice to Information Minister, Information Secretary and Chairman of BTRC through registry post on Sunday.
Lawyer Ekhlas Uddin Bhuiyan said that he will file a writ petition in the High Court if Indian channels are not stopped in Bangladesh within that period.
According to the notice, various Indian channels are shown in Bangladesh, but none of the Bangladeshi channels are shown in India. According to media reports, TV channels in the country are losing viewers day by day due to 'uninterrupted airing' of Indian channels.
The notice also said, “The country is losing its own culture. This has a serious negative impact on teenagers and young adults. Two people lost their lives in Bangladesh because of the clothes of a character in a serial aired on a recent Indian channel.”
The notice also said, 'Besides housewives and students, working men have also become accustomed to these channels. If the working boys are not allowed to watch these channels, they do not want to work.'
It is said that the notice was sent citing the news of a report published in daily our time titled 'Pakhir Preme Pran Bisarjan'.
It should be noted that even before the last Eid, Indian Bengali channels Star Jalsa and Zee Bangla were being shut down by the government soon. A news about[Breaking] Zee Bangla and Star Jalsa broadcast in Bangladesh!' was published in The Dhaka Times.
This post was last modified on আগস্ট ৪, ২০১৪ 11:05 am
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