The Dhaka Times Desk On Monday morning, a launch incident took place in Padma with more than 300 passengers. So far 14 bodies have been recovered. Many are still missing.
It is known that on the way from Kawrakandi to Mawa, the passenger launch called ML Pinak-6 sank in the middle of the Padma river with more than three hundred passengers around 11 o'clock. The bodies of 14 people were immediately recovered.
Quoting the officer in charge of Mawa police outpost, the media reported that 14 bodies have been recovered from the scene so far. No one has been identified.
The passengers of the launch told the media that there were about five hundred passengers in the launch. However, police and BIWTA sources claimed that the launch had more than 250 passengers. It met with an accident on the way from Kawrakandi towards Mawa Ghat. Rescue ship Hamza has already left for the spot to rescue the launch.
আপডেট: মুন্সিগঞ্জ লঞ্চ ডুবি’র ভিডিও!
This post was last modified on আগস্ট ৭, ২০১৪ 1:24 am
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