Categories: Education and culture

Know the admission test schedule of 17 universities

The Dhaka Times Desk August 13 HSC exam results published. Students and their parents are counting the days with great anxiety after the declaration of result date. There is no end to worry about how and where to get admission. The admission test schedule of 17 universities of the country has already been given, know these schedules.

In our country, students and their parents have no end of worry after exam after exam. Because getting an average A plus makes the number of A plus students in reputed educational institutions very high. In such a situation, students' worries about admission do not end.

The Ministry of Education has already announced that this year's Higher Secondary School Certificate (HSC) and equivalent exam results will be announced on August 13. And so the 17 public universities of the country have fixed the schedule of the admission test for Honors first year.

Every year, a student takes an average of 10 to 12 university exams for their choice of subjects and university admissions. This year will not be an exception.

9 lakh 24 thousand 171 in HSC examination under 8 general education boards this year. On the other hand, 1 lakh 7 thousand 557 Alims under Madrasa Education Board. There were 1 lakh 4 thousand 669 candidates in HSC (BM) under Technical Board and 4 thousand 977 candidates in DIBS under Dhaka Board. The HSC exam starts on April 3 and the written exam ends on June 8.

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Dhaka, Jahangirnagar, Chittagong, Rajshahi, Khulna and Barisal Universities, Rajshahi University of Engineering and Technology (RUET) including 17 universities and colleges have already announced the first year admission test dates for the academic year 2014-15. Below is the short list of exam dates:

# Dhaka and Jagannath University:
A Unit- 12 September
B Unit- 19 September
C Unit- 5 September
D Unit- 26 September
F Unit- 13 September
The exam will be held at DU at 10 am and at Jabi at 3 pm.

# Jahangirnagar University : 17th to 25th September.
Medical and Dental: 3 October.

# Chittagong University : 27 October to 06 November.

# Rajshahi University : 19th to 25th October.

# Khulna University : 29 October to 01 November.

# Barisal University : 18 & 19 October.

# Rajshahi University of Engineering and Technology (RUET): 24 October.

# Khulna University of Engineering and Technology (KUET): 31 October.

# Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology (CHUTE): 08 November.

# Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University : 14 November.

# Kushtia Islami University : 23rd to 27th November.

# Jessore University of Science and Technology : 6th and 7th November.

# Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh : 08 November.

# National Poet Kazi Nazrul University, Trishal : 10th to 13th November.

# Maulana Bhasani University of Science and Technology : 29 November.

This post was last modified on আগস্ট ১১, ২০১৪ 12:54 pm

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