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Letting children play on their own is more effective in their mental development

The Dhaka Times Desk Parents often say play with this, play with that for their children's mental development. They want to learn to play. If you look at it from a different point of view, you will understand that it is also a kind of imposition. Let children play on their own, let them see their world through their own new eyes, researchers say. Only then will their proper mental development take place.

Researchers say if you want your baby to develop properly, let him play on his own, explore the world in his own way. Because children's mental development is a spontaneous matter. Imposing results here will not be good. A group of psychologists working on the mental development of children conducted a survey. They divided parents into two groups for this survey. Some parents pressure children into their own little worlds too. They play with this, play with that and thus impose various things on them. Another group of parents believe in letting their children play as they wish. The results of the survey will surprise you that about 63 percent of the children in the second group are ahead of the first group in terms of new skills or their mental development. Dr Whitebread, a senior lecturer in psychology at the University of Cambridge, said that restricting children from learning things on their own may not lead to good results. In the future it may cause the child to become disinterested in learning something.

Cambridge University was the institutional partner for this research. About 1,100 parents whose children were mostly three years old participated in this survey. About 73 percent of these parents push their children to learn. Child care website Made for Moms was the direct organization in this research. Researchers spent an average of 5.4 hours with the children of participating families. They spend 2.3 hours with their parents to see how they interact with the children. The results thus obtained show that it is more effective to let children learn on their own rather than forcing them to learn.

Reference: The Daily Mail

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