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Make homemade hair mask to prevent hair loss

The Dhaka Times Desk  Boys usually care a little about their skin but are quite careless about their hair. But the fact that they need to pay attention to the hair also comes to their mind when the hair starts falling and baldness appears on the head. There are many types of cosmetic products available in the market to prevent this hair fall in boys. But you can take some time and make a natural hair mask to prevent hair loss at home.


So let's take a look at some of these hair mask preparation methods and usage rules. Regular use of these natural hair masks will make your hair follicles stronger and your scalp free from dandruff.

1. Hair mask made of olive oil, honey and cinnamon:

To prepare this hair mask, you will need olive oil, 1-2 tablespoons of honey, 1 tablespoon of cinnamon powder. Take the same amount of olive oil as you need for your hair. Then mix honey and cinnamon in it according to the quantity mentioned above. Now blend it well. Apply it on the scalp at the very root. Keep it for 15-20 minutes. Then shampoo and wash well. This will strengthen the hair roots and reduce the chances of baldness.

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2. Henna and Mustard Oil Hair Mask:

To make this you will need about 100 grams of henna leaves and 250 grams of mustard oil. Heat mustard oil in a pan. At this time, boil the mehndi leaves well in another vessel. After boiling for about 5 to 7 minutes, lower the oil and let it cool. Take the juice of boiled henna leaves and mix it with oil. Then leave it for a while and apply it on the head when it cools down. This mask will prevent dandruff and keep your hair more soft.

3. Mask made of jaba flower and lemon juice:

We all know jaba flower and lemon, but did you know that they can be used to make a mask to prevent hair fall. You will need 2 jaba flowers and a lemon to make this mask. Boil a glass of water in a pot. Now drop two jabaflower petals in boiling water. Keep like this for about 5 to 7 minutes. Now drain the boiled water and let it cool for a while. Then slowly apply it on the balding part of the head. Leave it for some time and wash your head well.

4. Neem leaf mask:

The medicinal properties of neem leaves are endless. Just as there are face masks made from neem leaves, there are also neem masks to prevent hair fall. Boil around 10 to 12 neem leaves with some water for some time. When the boiled water turns dark in color, drain the water and let it cool. Then drain the neem leaves. Once this water gets cold, use it to wash your hair. Regular use will reduce hair fall to a great extent.

This post was last modified on ফেব্রুয়ারি ২১, ২০১৭ 11:37 pm

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