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The first satellite phone was seized from Chittagong in the country!

The Dhaka Times Desk This is the first time that a satellite phone has been seized in Bangladesh. This satellite phone has been seized from a drug trafficking gang in Chittagong.

Experts have confirmed that BTRC or any other organization of the government does not have the necessary technology to monitor this satellite phone network that has been attacked in Chittagong. Those concerned think that the members of the drug trafficking gang on the Bangladesh-Myanmar border have been using this phone to avoid the attention of law enforcement agencies. Last Monday night, RAB arrested 3 members of Yaba trafficking gang along with a satellite phone from Chittagong's Bandartila area. The satellite phone recovered from them is of Iridium brand widely used in the United States. This is the first case of seizing a satellite phone in the hands of a domestic criminal gang.

The RAB told the media that the United Liberation Front of Assam, formerly known as 'ULFA', is an Indian independence-seeking armed organisation. One such satellite phone had to be recovered from its top commander Anup Chetia. The world's biggest terrorist and drug-trafficking gangs use this type of satellite phone technology to conduct criminal activities. The RAB source also confirmed to the media that Bangladesh does not have any technology to track or monitor such communication networks.

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Note that, while the network connection in conventional mobiles is obtained from the operator's own tower, the signal for satellite mobiles comes directly from the satellite. And so satellite mobile can be used from anywhere. It does not require any tower.

This post was last modified on সেপ্টেম্বর ১৩, ২০১৪ 11:44 am

Staff reporter

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