iPhone 6 survives 7,000ft fall [VIDEO]

The Dhaka Times Desk There is no end to the debate about the newly launched iPhone 6 and 6 Plus, this time the iPhone 6 has been drop tested. As if the iPhone 6 was dropped from a height of 7000 feet!


Ever since the iPhone came into the market, various technology experts have tested the various features of the iPhone. Some do brick test, some do heat test and some do speed test. This time, Richard Ryan did a drop test of the iPhone. Richard Ryan mainly experiments with various gadgets.

Richard Ryan flew to an altitude of about 7000 feet to drop test the iPhone. From there the iPhone was thrown on the ground. Before it is dropped on the ground, special GPS sensors are attached to it so that it can be easily located after it is on the ground.

After falling from a height of about 7000 feet, the iPhone went deep into the ground. Its display is broken and shattered. But the interesting thing is that even though the display is broken, the mobile with its touch sensor is working as before in the video! Talk about the iPhone!

See for yourself in the video-

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This post was last modified on অক্টোবর ৪, ২০১৪ 7:24 am


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